Welcome to Moop! Based in the UK and currently a work in progress!

If you have any questions, please contact Moop on any of our social media found to the side in 'Useful Links'.

Moop wishes to make and spread awareness of open source games that use solely free open source technology for all of their games development.
The end goals that Moop has in mind is becoming a games company that offers entry-level style internships, diversifying the gaming industry, working with global open source communities and local UK charities dealing with under-represented minorities (eg: LGBTQIA+, disabilities, disadvantaged and low income backgrounds, etc) offering free workshops about games development and how to use the open source software used to make them.
At the moment there is no funding or income, so there will be fund raisers, donation Ko-Fi ("Buy me a Coffee!") and GoFundMe type pages, and we're open to funding contributions from literally anybody too (especially gaming and/or open source companies)!
We've started developing our first official game, currently known as 'Project NNC00', with a demo in the upcoming months.
Thank you for your patience in Moop's set-up, and please follow Moop on their social media for updates!

Moop possibilities:

  • Game Jams using open-source software
  • Community Engagement Workshops and Webinars
  • Live-streaming games/demos from indie devs and/or Moop projects
  • Open-source and volunteering
  • Sharing recommendations of different talent and projects
  • Reviewing game pitches and helping people officially make and publish their first game title